We all saw in the news that Simple Mobile Tools got acquired by ZipoApps and they started filling up the free apps with ads.

Luckily, being those apps open source, a new fork has been created.

It’s called Fossify. They forked all the apps on GitHub and they have a new maintainer.

Now we just need to wait for their first official release and then… we need to spread the word and make people switch from the old SMT apps to Fossify!

  • @GrapesOfAss@lemmy.world
    426 months ago

    This is 100% of the reason we need to support open source. How many times has a megacorp bought a beloved software and shit all over it? Now, it doesn’t matter quite as much, we can just move on.

    • @Scrollone@feddit.itOP
      146 months ago

      I completely agree.

      Another recent example has been the developer tool Insomnia. It went from open and free to riddled with trackers and paid-only features.

      Luckily an open source fork, called Insomnium, has been created.